
+255766 945 430

We Have 2+ Years of experience in providing financial Services

Fortify Microfinance was founded to offer financial service for individual, small and medium enterprises.

We are committed to a customer's experience that brings us closer to you with every engagement.

Forify Microfinance offer financial service for individual, small and medium enterprises.

Financial service

Fortify Microfinance provide financial service

Financial leasing

Fortify Microfinance provide financial leasing

Credit granting

Fortify Microfinance provide credit granting

Types of Loans and Acceptable collateral.

a) The entity has two types of loan, that are Emegency loan and business loan of which both business people and group have an access for loan in the entity.

b) Collateral as the second repayment mechanism for the loan, the entity do require any loan be secured by the collateral normally its home assets and electronics equipment.

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Our Best Services

Financial solution

Fortify Microfinance offers you the ability to grow your business and invest in your future. Our loan products are simple and designed to the unique needs of each customer. Once approved for any of our loan products, you can access the funds within 24 hours.

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Je unataka kununua bidhaa za kukuza biashara yako? unasubiri nini? fortify microfinance itakuwezesha

About Us

We Have 2+ Years of experience in providing financial Services.

Fortify Microfinance was founded in 2022, targets small and medium sized entrepreneurs. Fortify Microfinance serves and respond to the newly emerging credit needs of the community.

Borrower’s eligibility;

He/ She should be residing within the geographical area of operation of the entity

He/She should have the age of majority.

He/ She should be able to demonstrate experience of profitable operations in the activities for which loan is required.

Borrowers should be willing to provide correct and updated information to the entity and understand carefully that false information will lead to serious consequences.

Repay the full amount of the principal loan on or before the date stipulated in the credit contract.

Pay all accrued interest at the interest rate and on or before the date noted in the credit contract.

Abide by all terms and conditions stipulated in the credit contract.

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